ZZT Sonic Meridian Health Therapy

Exclusively At I-Beauty Medispa Pte Ltd 


Invest 20 minutes a day in a session that incorporates sound technology with ancient imperial health techniques to rid your body of metabolic wastes, restore healthy organ functions, promote self-healing and immunity.


$20 For 20 Minutes

No GST, No Extra Charges Needed

Our ZZT Sonic Meridian Machine

Results Assured. Tried, Tested & Witnessed By Many

“Ease and comfort of use.
DIY daily in the comfort of your home to reap the enormous health benefits.”
“Gentle, safe and non-invasive.
No side effects or discomfort.” 
“Customised treatment based on individual health needs.
Hence, chronic health conditions can be quickly addressed and treated.”

ZZT Sonic Meridian Health Therapy uses sound waves of 10-100Hz with a customised frequency that resonates with our meridians to promote Qi and blood circulation.

In TCM, Qi and blood are vital to our overall health. Qi and blood are transported through meridian channels. Our meridian channels are often blocked due to the accumulation of metabolic wastes, medicine, stress and other lifestyle factors. This hinders the flow Qi and blood to our vital organs and gives rise to various health ailments if left untreated ie. chronic aches/pains, insomnia, high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, etc. 

Just 20 minutes of ZZT a day effectively unblocks all our 12 meridian channels to improve Qi and blood flow, regulates our overall bio-rhythm, and restores optimal organ functions, while at the same time, dispels toxin, wind, acidity and dampness from our body. Many chronic health conditions can then be alleviated, giving you the best physical and mental health, day after day, year after year.

Our Satisfied Customers


$20 For 20 Minutes

No GST, No Extra Charges Needed

Check Us Out

Ang Mo Kio Main Branch

302 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, #01-1850,
Singapore 560302

+65 6455 9379

+65 6459 8178

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