Gui Xian is a 81 year old active lady, who loves mingle with friends and go out to volunteer.
As she had been suffering from diabetes for the past 40 years, she experiences frequent fatigue and tiredness; especially after every meals.

Her daughter then introduced her to I-Beauty Medispa to try out ZZT Meridian services.
To her astonishment, her blood sugar level dropped from 11.4 to 9.9 in just approximately 1 hour!
She was really glad that these services could help her relieved from stress and, ultimately manages her blood sugar instantly!
She said “I want to introduce my friends, all of them have diabetes like me”.
I-Beauty Medispa’s had been utilizing ZZT meridian services to helping people with many health related conditions.

With her permission, Gui Xian’s testimonial is also featured in many of our local newspapers like Epoch Times, Lianhe Zhaobao & Lianhe Wanbao.

Steven Sleep Quality Improves After Using ZZT

William’s ”Frozen Shoulder“ Got Better After ZZT Treatment
Witness It For Yourself

We are willing to provide a live demonstration to you, in terms managing your blood sugar within 1 hour!
Simply register with us below, while our representative will reserve an appointment slot with you shortly.